General Studies-3 (Mains)

Detailed Notes for GPSC Gujarat Mains Paper III (GS-3) Science and Economy Notes developed by toppers can be Bought at minimum price in PDF or Printed format

Detailed topicwise Gujarat Mains GK Notes for GPSC Mains Exam are provided for free browsing. Gujarat (GPSC) Mains Science and Economy Notes are designed by GPSC Toppers and other civil servants. Detail Notes can be browsed at the following links.

1. Integration of Science, Technology and Innovation for better human life; Science & Technology in everyday life; National Policies on proliferation of Science, Technology and Innovation; India’s contribution in the field of Science and Technology. Concerns and challenges in the proliferation and use of science and technology; Role and Scope of Science and Technology in nation building.
2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – its importance, advantages and challenges; E-governance and India; Cyber Crime and policies to address security concerns.
3. Indian Space Programme – Past, Present and Future; Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) – it’s activities and achievements; Satellite Programmes of India and Use of Satellites in different fields affecting human lives; Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).
4. Indian’s energy needs, efficiency and resources; Clean energy resources; Energy policy of India – Government Policies and Programmes.
5. Salient features of Nuclear Policy of India; Development of Nuclear programmes in India, Nuclear Policies at the International level and India’s stand on them.
6. Development Vs. Nature / Environment; Depletion of Natural Resources; Environmental Pollution and degradation, Sustainable Development –possibilities and challenges; Climate Change and Its effect on the world; Climate justice – a global phenomenon; Environment Impact Assessment, Disaster Management. Correlation between Health & Environment.
7. Nature, Scope and Applications of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in India; Ethical, Social and Legal concerns, Government policies; Genetic engineering, issues related to it and its impact on human life.
8. Achievements of Indians in the field of Science and Technology- Indigenous technologies and developing new technologies.
9. Issues related to Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Science and Technology.
(B) Indian Economy and Planning
1. Economic Development since Independence, major features of Indian Economy at independence and characteristics of economic underdevelopment of India (with reference to colonial rule of India); Trend in National Income and Per capita income; Sectoral composition (output and employment) – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Development under different policy regimes (including Five Year Plans)—goals, constraints, institutions and policy framework; NITI Aayog – constitution and role.
2. Indian economy in post reform period. Background of Indian Economic Reforms – New Economic Policy in context of liberalization, privatization and globalization and its effects; Redefining India’s development strategy.
3. Land reforms in India and Gujarat.
4. Agriculture growth and productivity: Sustainable agricultural growth-concepts and constraints. Institutional set-up of land system and land reforms, Green Revolution and technological changes. Capital formation in agriculture; Food security, Agricultural pricing, Food Procurement and Public Distribution System.
5. Indian Public finance: Indian tax system, public expenditure, public debt, deficit and subsidies in the Indian economy. Centre-state financial relation. Macroeconomic stabilization: trade, fiscal, investment and monetary policy issues and their impact. GST and its implications.
6. Policies and Performance of Industry: Structure and composition of Industry– issues of concentration, large vs small industry– industrial location; Trends and patterns of industrial growth, Cottage industries; performance of public sector and privatization.
7. Population and Human Development: Broad demographic features — Population size and growth rates, Sex and age composition, occupational distribution. Density of population, Urbanization and economic growth in India. Population growth as a factor of economic development and demographic dividend, Progress of human development in India. Development of education in India, health and family welfare and the development of health infrastructure. Environment and sustainable development.
8. Rural development- Challenges and policies; Poverty -Trends, measurement and policies; Inequality-measurement, causes and effects. Employment and Unemployment-size of workforce, rate of participation, occupational structure, rural & urban unemployment, employment policies/schemes in India. Skill India, Make in India and Start-Ups.
9. External sector: Trends, Composition and Direction of Foreign Trade. External sector reforms. Foreign Institutional Investment (FII) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
10. India in Global Indices – Global Innovation Index, Human Development Index, Global Competitiveness Index, Global Creativity Index and the Global Gender Gap Report.
11. Gujarat economy-An overview; social sector in Gujarat- Education, Health, and Nutrition. Gujarat Economy in relation to India and major states in recent decades, major problems in agriculture, forest, water resources, mining, industry and service Sector. Development policies for economic and social infrastructure – An appraisal. Co-operative movement in Gujarat and its impact on Socio-economic aspects of life.
12. Infrastructure: Energy, Port, roads, Airport, Railways, TelecommunicationsSocial Impact Assessment.
(C) Current Events of Regional, National and International Importance.

Faq’s on General Studies-3 (Mains) of gujarat

What are the topics covered in General Studies-3 (Mains) for the Gujarat Administrative Service (GAS) exam?

General Studies-3 (Mains) for the GAS exam covers the following topics:

  • Science and Technology: This includes advancements in science and technology, their applications, and impact on society.
  • Indian Economy and Planning: This covers the Indian economic system, planning processes, economic development, and major economic challenges.
  • Current Events of Regional, National, and International Importance: This involves staying updated on important events happening in Gujarat, India, and the world.

What type of questions can I expect in the General Studies-3 (Mains) paper?

You can expect a variety of questions, including:

  • Descriptive Questions: These require detailed explanations, analysis, and evaluation of concepts.
  • Analytical Questions: These demand critical thinking and the ability to connect different concepts and events.
  • Current Affairs-based Questions: These test your knowledge of recent developments and their implications.

How should I prepare for the General Studies-3 (Mains) paper?

Here are some tips for preparing for the paper:

  • Refer to Standard Books: Use reliable textbooks and reference materials for understanding the core concepts.
  • Read Newspapers and Magazines: Stay updated on current affairs through newspapers, magazines, and online sources.
  • Practice Answer Writing: Regularly practice writing answers to improve your speed, clarity, and ability to articulate your thoughts.
  • Join Mock Tests: Participate in mock tests to assess your preparation level and identify areas for improvement.
  • Revise Regularly: Revise the topics regularly to ensure that you retain the information.

Are there any specific resources I can use for preparing for the current events section?

Yes, you can refer to the following resources:

  • Newspapers: The Hindu, Indian Express, The Times of India
  • Magazines: Yojana, Kurukshetra, Frontline
  • Online Platforms: PIB (Press Information Bureau), PRS (PRS Legislative Research), websites of various ministries
  • News Aggregators: Google News, InShorts

How can I improve my answer writing skills for General Studies-3 (Mains)?

Here are some tips for improving your answer writing skills:

  • Understand the Question: Carefully read the question to understand what is being asked.
  • Structure Your Answer: Divide your answer into introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Use Relevant Examples: Support your points with relevant examples, case studies, and data.
  • Write Clearly and Concisely: Use simple language and avoid jargon.
  • Maintain Word Limit: Stick to the prescribed word limit for each question.

What is the weightage of General Studies-3 (Mains) in the overall GAS exam?

General Studies-3 (Mains) carries 150 marks, similar to the other General Studies papers (GS-1 and GS-2). Each paper has equal weightage in the overall GAS Main exam.