General Studies-1 (Mains)

Detailed Notes for GPSC Mains Paper I Notes-History and Geography /h2>
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Detailed topicwise Gujarat Mains GK Notes for GPSC Mains Exam are provided for free browsing. Gujarat (GPSC) Mains Notes are designed by GPSC Toppers and other civil servants. Detail Notes can be browsed at the following links.

(A) History of India :
/> 16. Factors responsible for the rise of Indian Nationalism. Activities of Indian National Congress from 1885 to 1920.
17. Rise of Mahatma Gandhi on National Horizon, impact of his thoughts, principles and philosophy on political, social, economic, religious and cultural life of India.
18. The Role of Sardar Patel in freedom movement and post-independence consolidation.
19. Indian Revolutionaries in India and abroad, Indian National Army and Subhash Chandra Bose.
20. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, his life and contribution to making of Indian Constitution.
21. India after Independence – Reorganization of the States within the country, Major events, Maha Gujarat Movement.

Faq’s on General Studies-1 (Mains) of gujarat

What is the syllabus for General Studies-1 (Mains) of GPSC?

The General Studies-1 paper for GPSC Mains covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • History: Indian and World History, with a focus on modern Indian history, the Indian national movement, and post-independence developments.
  • Cultural Heritage: Art, architecture, literature, and traditions of India and Gujarat.
  • Indian Polity and Governance: The Constitution of India, political system, public policy, rights issues, and governance challenges.
  • Social Justice and International Relations: Social and economic issues in India, global issues, bilateral and multilateral relations, and international organizations.
  • General Mental Ability: Logical reasoning, analytical ability, and decision-making skills.

 Is the medium of examination for GS-1 Mains only in Gujarati?

No, the medium of examination is both English and Gujarati. You can choose to write the exam in either language.

 How many marks is the GS-1 Mains paper worth?

The GS-1 Mains paper is worth 200 marks.

 Are there any optional subjects in the GPSC Mains examination?

No, there are no optional subjects in the GPSC Mains examination since 2017. All papers are compulsory.

How can I prepare for the GS-1 Mains paper?

Here are some tips to prepare for the GS-1 Mains paper:

  • Refer to the syllabus: Understand the syllabus thoroughly and make a study plan accordingly.
  • Study standard textbooks and reference materials: Use reliable sources for each topic.
  • Read newspapers and current affairs magazines: Stay updated on current events and their relevance to the syllabus.
  • Practice answer writing: Write answers to previous years’ questions and get feedback from mentors or peers.
  • Join coaching classes or online courses (optional): If you need structured guidance, consider joining coaching classes or online courses.

 Where can I find study material and previous years’ question papers for GS-1 Mains?

You can find study material and previous years’ question papers on the official GPSC website, online platforms, and bookstores that specialize in competitive exams.


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